Venture Doers

Privacy Policy

Policy Statement

The Website respects the privacy of its subscribers and users as well as the information and data provided, shared or posted by them, and consequently, the Website is committed to protecting the same. As a service provider which renders the services in the realm of digital and development, the Website may collect, use and disclose Personal Information in order to be able to effectively discharge its functions. This Data and Privacy Policy applies to the processing of information about subscribers and users, customers and other individuals that we collect when they use our Website or when they communicate with us. This Policy does not apply to the information that a subscriber or a user may provide to third parties, such as other users/subscribers/members, and others with whom they may share information about themselves, including third-parties who may be providing or linking their services through the Website.

Categories of Personal Information

The type of Personal Information and data that may be collected as a consequence of use of the Website may include:
  • Names;
  • Addresses;
  • contact details;
  • occupations;
  • usage details and preferences;
  • payment and credit card details;
  • any and all posts that have been or will be made by a subscriber/user, including information shared about other another users/subscribers, organizations, entities and individuals;
  • Any and all information provided by the subscriber/user themselves when creating their accounts or profiles, including, but not limited to, pictures, photos, information about connections and/or calendar information;
  • Log information, including the type of browser that used, the time, duration and frequency of access, Website pages viewed, IP address, and the page visited before visiting the Website;
  • device information, i.e. information about the computer or mobile device that is used to access the Website, including the hardware model, operating system and version, unique device identifiers, data and material saved and existing on the pertinent device, mobile number and mobile network information;
  • Location information;
  • any other information deemed appropriate to the Website from time to time (including content given special protection under the American law or that relates to sensitive topics such as health, political opinions, religion, and sexual identity).
In some circumstances the Website may be provided Personal Information about an individual from a third-party. We may collect Personal Information and data about:
  • Individuals;
  • Organizations registered as subscribers;
  • Users associated with a subscribing organization
  • Other users of the Website;
  • Potential new subscribers/users;
  • Third parties seeking services or providing services through the Website; and
  • Other people/entities/organizations who come into contact in the ordinary course of business.
Information may also be collected through use cookies, web beacons, device identifiers, and other technologies about the use of the Website and other websites and online services.

How Personal Information and Data is Used and Disclosed

The Website may use or disclose Personal Information for the following purposes:
  • To enable it to discharge and fulfill its functions;
  • To meet any contractual, regulatory or statutory obligations, including compliance with any direction of any governmental, regulatory, statutory or supervisory body or a Court of competent jurisdiction;
  • To enable it to discharge its contractual obligations when services to third parties, including services related to provision of data and information about users and subscribers of the Website;
  • To service the request of any shareholders, employees, directors, sponsors, executives and officers of the Website;
  • To enable the resolution of a concern or complaint;
  • To provide ongoing information about our products and services that we believe may be of interest;
  • To provide products and services;
  • To operate, improve, promote and protect the Website¸ including to process transactions, develop new products and services, and manage the performance of the Website;
  • Monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities in connection with our Website;
  • Perform accounting and administrative tasks, and enforce or manage legal claims;
  • Detect, investigate, and prevent fraudulent transactions, abuse, and other illegal activities; to protect the rights, property, or safety of the Website and its users/subscribers; to enforce compliance with our policies; and to comply with applicable law and government requests;
  • Communicate with a particular subscriber/user;
  • Personalize content;
  • To our successors-in-interest or to an entity with whom we may be entering into a joint venture, collaboration, business arrangement, amalgamation, financing, reorganization, sale of assets, merger or takeover/sales transaction;
  • In the ordinary course of business to Website’s attorneys, accountants and auditors;
  • To the Website’s business partners that perform services on the Website’s behalf under written agreements
  • To persons acting in a fiduciary, representative, or attorney capacity in relation to an account;
  • To protect against actual or potential fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims or other liability;
  • To comply with civil, criminal or regulatory investigations, or judicial process, subpoena, summons or warrant by federal, state or local authorities.
Contracts we enter into with other parties for the provision of services may require us to disclose customer’s Personal Information to them. In those cases, our contracts require other parties providing services to us to observe the terms of this Data & Privacy Policy. Personal Information collected online may be combined or clubbed with information of other subscribers and users. Website may use or disclose or sell, rent or lease any Personal Information and Data about its subscribers and users to any third parties, provided that the concerned third-party also has a policy similar to this Policy. Personal Information may be transferred across national borders for any purpose whatsoever, including for the purposes of data consolidation, storage and customer data management.

Permission to Disclose Personal Information

By using and accessing the Website, each subscriber and user hereby unconditionally agrees and accepts to the terms of data collection, retention, usage and disclosure as set out herein this Policy, and grants an unfettered, unrestricted, perpetual right to the Website to collect, retain and use the data and personal information in accordance with the terms of this Policy. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, the subscribers and users hereby grants the Website all permissions and approvals and consents as are required and applicable under the U.S. Federal Government.

No Warranties or Commitments

It is hereby clarified and disclosed that the Website may retain, store and use the data and Personal Information at multiple locations, including back-up areas and contingency locations set up by the Website. All such information and data shall be stored either in an electronic form or in a hard copy. The subscribers and users hereby and understand that under no circumstances will the Website or any of its employees, executives, sponsors, directors, officers, agents, business partners, advisors, consultants etc. will be liable or responsible in case such a data/personal information is leaked, proliferated, stolen, hacked and in any other means misused. Website may take reasonable, practical and only cost efficient steps to protect Personal Information and data it holds from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. Where Personal Information and Data is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected, reasonable steps may be taken to destroy or permanently de-identify the information. Personal Information and data may be held for a period of up to 10 years, depending on the nature of the information being held and the appropriateness of the period in the sole opinion of the Website.

Updates & Accuracy

Website attempts to ensure the accuracy of the Personal Information and Data collected by it and provided by the subscribers and users, or posted on the Website. Therefore, records of the dates when the Personal Information and data was obtained/provided will be maintained, and the users and subscribers will be asked to periodically review and update all such the Personal Information and Data the Website has on record. The subscribers and users shall be obligated to comply with such a direction from the Website, and will ensure that all information provided to the Website at all times is correct, accurate, complete and free from all material errors.

Customer Recourse

Any concerns which one may have regarding Website’s privacy practices or specific complaints about how customer Personal Information and Data has been collected, used or disclosed should be forwarded in writing to Website’s Privacy Officer at Website will thoroughly investigate the complaint and will take whatever actions are warranted and notify the complainant once this has been done.


Website may use cookies and other tracking mechanisms to: (i) facilitate the use and access of the Website (ii) enable customization of the online services and Website features, (iii) avoid re-entry/duplication of data, (iv) store preferences for certain kinds of information, and (v) gather data about usage of the Website and mobile applications for research and promotions. Website uses cookies from third-party service providers to facilitate website tracking. Cookies stored on subscribers/users’ web browsers by Website may be shared with any third parties. Some third-party vendors that provide ads on the Website may also use cookies to collect details on the subscribers/users website visits and other data (but not names, addresses, email addresses, or telephone numbers) in order to provide ads about goods and services of particular interest to individuals.

IPR and Copyrights of Data

It is hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agreed and confirmed by each subscriber and user that all copyrights, IPR and exclusive rights and ownership benefits to any and all information, documents, pictures, photographs, posts and materials which shall be uploaded and/or posted by the subscribers/users on the Website shall vest and be transferred exclusively in favor of the Website from the date of such posting. Therefore, the Website shall have full rights and privileges to use such posts made by subscribers/users on the Website in any manner deemed fit and appropriate to the Website without having to seek any permission or approval from the subscribers/users. The Website may retain such data in accordance with the retention policy described above and shall have the right to reproduce the same and use it in any manner deemed appropriate to the Website in accordance with the data usage policy detailed herein. It is hereby clarified that each subscriber and user shall not have any rights or privileges to copy, reproduce or in any manner use the information, documents, materials, pictures and photographs which may be posted on the Website by the Website or any other subscribers/users. Such copying, reproduction, forwarding or benefiting from information and posts available on the Website shall be deemed as a breach of the Terms of Usage and this Policy.

Notification of Privacy Policy and Policy Changes

Website provides an initial notice of its Data and Privacy Policy to subscribers and users at the time it establishes a relationship, and at least annually thereafter, and the Data and Privacy Policy is posted on its website. Updates will be posted on the Website’s website, so the subscribers and users will always know what information we collect, how we use it, and what choices they have.